CopyDonePrompt= Lords 2 Demo installation is now complete. All files were successfully copied to your hard drive.
DirectSetupTitle = Install Microsoft's DirectX2
DirectSetupPrompt1 = Sierra Setup is now complete. In order to run the Lords 2 Demo, you must install Microsoft's DirectX2 software and restart your computer.
DirectSetupPrompt2 = To install DirectX2 simply click on the Install Microsoft's DirectX2 shortcut in your Sierra program group.
DirectXTitle = DirectX Installation
DirectXText1 = WARNING! The Sierra Setup program is about to install DirectX II to your system. Some Video Cards may require special drivers to run DirectX II properly. Please consult the README file for more information about the DirectX II Installation. Do you wish to continue with the Direct X II Installation?
InstallSizeTitle=Installation Size
INSTText1=You have a choice of installation size depending on your hard disk capacity and machine speed. For the fastest game response, choose the maximum installation. If you have limited hard disk space available, choose the minimum installation option.
DbgMedInstall=Verify Maximum installation selected.
DbgMaxInstall=Verify Maximum installation selected.
DbgNotOnWin95=Setup has detected that you are not running Windows 95.
Installation Complete=Installation Complete
RestartTitle=Installation Complete
RestartPrompt1=Impressions Lords 2 has been successfully installed.
RestartPrompt2=Windows must be restarted before you can play.
RestartNow=Restart now
RestartLater=Restart later
AllDoneTitle=Installation Complete
AllDoneText=Remember to restart Windows before playing.
Win32s=Install Win32s
WinG=Install Windows graphics library (WinG)
FailTitle=Sierra Setup - Installation Failure
FailTextWinG=An error occured while installing WinG. Installation is incomplete.
RegisterTitle=Register Lords 2
RegisterText1=Do you want to register your program now?
AlldoneText=Remember to restart ...
NotifyInstTitle=Check Current Environment
NotifySysText=Setup will now check your current configuration for necessary system extensions. If an extension is not found, Setup will install it by running its installation program. Please choose the default option in any dialog boxes that are displayed.
ICThreshShortcutTitle=Set Microphone Threshold
WinDiskWarnText1=You do not have enough disk space on your Windows drive for this installation. Please free up some disk space and re-install the game.
DestDiskWarnText1=You do not have enough disk space on your destination drive for this installation. Please free up some disk space and re-install the game.